Renee de Burgh

Crowning Your

Melanie R. Cameron, Owner
Your Subtitle text

"Crowning Your Achievements" 
Gets You the Interview

Whether you're going for Administrative Assistant or Senior Analyst briefing the President of the United States, I have designed resumes for these clients and everyone in between. Please fill out my contact form to let me know your dream job.

Contact me by phone at 571-327-1855

Contact me by email at

Face time is everything in an online-saturated culture.
Shake someone's hand, and you have connected with their willingness to trust you.

I have spent a considerable time thinking over the joblessness in this country.
I want you and all your friends and all their friends to gain employment that is fulfilling and that advances you towards your dreams.

My rates are highly affordable because a family member close to me was without work for most of 2011. I know how devastating long-term unemployment can become to a person's dignity. 

Let's get you in front of a company that wants to hire you based on your talents and skills. I work with what you've done, and I make the words shine. 

Resume Writing Rates

$75 - General Resume

$75 - Curriculum Vitae

$100 - Resume and Cover Letter for a specific position

$100 - Curriculum Vitae and Cover Letter for a specific position

I will happily format salary requirements, recommendation letter, references, thank-you note, or any other requested documentation from a potential employer. These documents are usually $25 each. If my time in formatting requires more than 1.5 hours, I will notify you for approval, estimate the time remaining, and provide you with a fair quote.
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